
Wednesday, February 26, 2014



Just popping in to share a beautiful song with you all.

Have you heard of the song Oceans by the group Hillsong?
It's an uplifting song and really touches my heart....and my toddler's!

She requests it a lot and can identify it when it comes on the radio well before my husband and I can! As soon as the melody plays and the violin part begins she calls out proudly, "It's the Jesus God song!!"


Take a listen if you have the time. It's well worth it!

Here are the lyrics below in case you would like to read them.

"Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)"
You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand

And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine

Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand
Will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You've never failed and You won't start now

So I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior
I will call upon Your Name
Keep my eyes above the waves
My soul will rest in Your embrace
I am Yours and You are mine 

God is good always and forever!


Monday, February 24, 2014

Tall Painted Dresser with Casters

Happy Monday!

So my title may sound familiar to some of you that have been reading my blog because I have blogged about this piece before.

Ya, I know! Already....I changed the paint color on our thrifted vintage dresser. 


Well, I want to sell it in the future so I painted it a medium to light gray color and added some molding to the bottom that I painted as well to make it more universal for most places. A few months ago I posted a dresser for sale on Craigslist and it sold pretty quickly. I really like taking older pieces from thrift stores and giving them new life a new look so they can be sold....and then I can do it all over again. :)

Here is how the vintage dresser looks now as it sits beautifully near our entryway.

The knobs are original and I love them so!
They work so beautifully with the gray paint color.

To read more about the $9.00 thrift store chair, click here.
To read more about how to make a DIY canvas print, click here.

More to come this week!

Thanks for stopping by!

Linking up with:

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Dear Lydia

Dear Love,

Well, today is the day...
the day that you turn one!!

Wasn't it just yesterday that you entered the world and looked like this?

Where do I begin?!

Well, you certainly add the spice and spunk to our lives!
You always have a way of making us laugh and you love attention...yes indeedy!

Oh will you just look at those sweet cheeks in the photo above?! Come on! Love it!

I will always remember, you were about 6 months old (or a few weeks younger) and you began to do the "attention cough." You know, where someone is talking to someone else and if you don't feel included or aren't getting that eye contact, you start "Ahem...Cough, cough!" and then smile widely.

You still do it from time to time as if to say, "Hey guys, don't forget about me here." 
In fact, you did it plenty the other day when we had guests over. :)

Truth is, we will never forget about you, Love. Ever.
How can we? God placed you in our lives for a reason and because of that, our lives will never be the same. In a great way, of course!

Your piercing blue eyes are stunning and you have a way about you that is charming and lights up a room.

You smile and our hearts melt.

You reach for us and we are there to pick you up-you love people.

You make us laugh at things I didn't think a baby could make one laugh.

For example...

eating paper- YES! ...and you don't do this secretly either...Nope, that would be too easy...instead, you rip a small piece of paper out of one of my magazines, pull at mommy's or daddy's shirt, look at us square in the eye, smile, crinkle the paper up, AND shove it right into your mouth- while smiling some more! (I just have to highlight this one because you do this often- I think it's just to get a laugh out of us- here's to hoping that's what you are doing and it's not that you actually enjoy the taste of paper!)

No doubt you will be the funny one or outgoing one in school. You are an extrovert in training my dear and you don't get that from me, that's for sure!

Now, let's not get ahead of ourselves here...
there are plenty of times that look like this...

But they quickly fade away because you don't like to be upset or sad.

You are a cuddle-bug and every morning you wake, you want a hug.
We love the way you reach out your arms for daddy when he comes home and immediately lay your head on his chest when he picks you up!

Makes my heart melt even more just writing that!

You are so into Lego's and stacking things, like plastic cups- just like your big sister.
You get very determined to stack the Lego's by yourself that when mommy or sissy tries to help, you whine as if to say, "I've got this guys!"

Man, do you love books and story-time!
I remember when we all went to the library for story-time one day.
There were a bunch of little ones in the room with their parents and you and this one other boy went right up to the lady who was reading the books and just sat there and listened. You were so fascinated and it made us proud parents, that's for sure!
You later tackled that same boy that sat next to you listening to the story....but we won't talk about that one, okay. ;)

And yes, that bottom magazine shelf is falling- happened because you like to pull excitedly on the shelf that mommy made just to get to your books.

And the way you interact with your older sister is priceless.
No doubt you two will be in cahoots together...heck, you probably already are and mommy is just not aware of it yet!

It's hard to believe the year has gone by, but it sure has NOT been forgotten.

You have been such a blessing to mommy and daddy, sissy, and puppy (who is like one of your favorites in addition to so many other people and things).

Happy one year, Lydia!
We love you dearly and can't imagine life without you.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Family-Filled Weekend

Happy Tuesday!

We enjoyed a three day weekend since my hubby was off yesterday. I love when he gets an extra day off work and so do the girls! We all went out to a casual restaurant- which always goes surprisingly well- ran some errands -always FUN!- went to church Sunday, and just hung out. It's nice to do that with family, isn't it?

In my last post, I shared a cute Valentine's project that I completed with our oldest. 
It turned out well and was so fun to complete that we made some more and put them around the house.
Gotta love crafts that toddlers can do with you and have fun with at the same time!

We also worked on a Valentine's Day card for my hubby.
I'm not one for store-bought cards...personally, I think they are over-priced and such.
But I love making cards every now and then for family and friends and so we did that for Valentine's day this year.

My hubby also bought a scrumptious chocolate chip cookie cake for  me all of us.

I could have eaten the whole thing by myself, but thankfully did not.
It was tempting though.
The cake also came with 2 heart rings that our daughters loved. 
Jewelry + Cake = one happy girl (well, make that 3 happy girls).

And I also got some lovely flowers to decorate our dining room with.
He's a keeper!!! :)

I'm not one for celebrating some of these holidays with cards and gifts (non-sentimental some may say, eh?). 
BUT, I will take chocolate and flowers any day and the hubs knows this!

Plus, flowers make anything look beautiful. They really lighten up any room or space.

And now I will leave you with these sweet pictures of our oldest...

They speak for themselves...

The flash was a bit too much for her here. ;)

Do you think she really enjoyed the cake and icing?
Maybe so.

Happy Tuesday everyone.
Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Hi there!!

Happy LOVE day to everyone!

Hope you enjoy this day and the weekend to come.

Here are some quick photos of a craft my daughter and I worked on yesterday.

It was kind of a last minute project but she loved it so we made more and put them around the house.


Have a great Friday and thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Front Porch Goodness

I don't regularly post about our front porch because I really don't change it up much.
It's a pretty small space but just enough for us.
We have played around with a few arrangements out there but this one really seems to have me smiling all the time.


The wicker chair was a thrit store purchase...$9 everyone! 
I did spray paint it with chalkboard paint for a nice flat finish.

The horse picture was taken by none other than yours truly.
Like it?
We LOVE it.
I just ordered the print at Staples and wrapped it around a board which was then placed on our siding with some Command Strips and tape, y'all!

I made the pillow and the cushion.
I also made the wreath out of burlap and left over fabric.

My daughter loves these berries that grow on one of our trees out front so I of course had to add that too.
Perfect for February, right? ;)


Yes, this is a simple porch.
Nothing too fancy here.
But I so love it.
I do!
Who says you have to spend a ton of money to have nice things?
Sometimes hand-made, simple, and easy are all you need.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Master Bath Update

Hey there!
Hope everyone had a pretty fabulous weekend.
My hubby and I got the chance to go to a marriage retreat with folks from our church and other nearby churches in our area...and it was great! We got an awesome babysitter (also from our church) and got to spend 2 days together...just us! We learned a lot and just felt encouraged...and let's face it, getting a 2 hour lunch break with my husband at the Cheesecake Factory wasn't bad either. ;)

Anyways (can you tell I have a hard time transitioning from one topic to another?!), a few weeks ago, my hubby and I got to work on our master bathroom and added some molding to the walls. Eekkk!! It looks so good now with the changes.

And a quick warning: This post has tons of pictures so please enjoy. ;)

Okay, so here are some before pictures of what our area looked like.
Pretty, huh? 
Not really...but that has changed!

The gray wall color is called Repose by Sherwin Williams.
It is a very light gray that works well with our darker sink cabinets.

We bought molding at the Home was pretty cheap and didn't break the budget, know what I mean, so it was money well spent!
Oh, and it's plastic molding (hence the low cost) but you can't tell that at all when you look at it!

We  Hubby measured everything to make sure all was nice and straight.
He's so good at that.
If it were me doing this project on my own, you know I would have just eyeballed the whole thing and who knows how that would have turned out!

And maybe earlier in the post you were wondering why we wanted to add molding and paint above it.
If you didn't wonder why, well, now you are going to find out why anyways.

Just take a look at the pictures below and you will see why.


And another...

Tired of it yet...

Here's one more picture just in case it was hard to see why we wanted to change things up!

Not too good at all...makes you wonder what we were doing while we were painting up there.
No seriously, it wasn't that bad, but it was noticeable.
So the grand idea was to add molding about 14 inches below the ceiling height and paint over the gray in white.

So much better already!

Now, here is the funny part (well, not really at the time) but it is now.
So, my hubby went to Sherwin Williams to pick up the white paint color that we were told matched the ceiling in the rest of the house.
A few minutes after the molding went up, we had a our new white color (supposedly the ceiling color) called Bone White. 
This was the color our painter told us to get so it would match.
Well, long story short, it WAS NOT the ceiling color AT fact, it was cream.
Seriously, no lie...CREAM!
We never noticed it until now, but our living room ceiling color is cream and the rest of the house is white. We had some work done to the ceiling down stairs last year and it was all repainted in this cream color called Bone White...which was not the original color.

Ugh, so anyways, we had to come up with a new plan and here is what we did.
We had some leftover white paint from this building project we completed last year and decided it wouldn't hurt to give that a go on the upper walls.

The second white color is called Westhighland White and it was the perfect match.
Well, not EXACTLY perfect, but it sure did cover up everything we needed.
You can't even tell the difference now in the Westhighland White and the original paint color on the ceiling.

Can you see the difference in the paint colors?
This is the white partly over the cream.
Hey, you know, to laugh the whole thing off, my hubby just said, "We will just act like the Bone White was our primer."
Love it!
Thanks builder painter guy!

And now for some pictures of the finished project.

We love it so and are happy with the way it turned out.
Obviously the bath needs some other little changes, but we aren't worrying about those right now.
It feels good to complete these projects together.
Hooray for teamwork!

Thanks for stopping by!