It's called Task Easy and they even have a blog offering tips on how to take care of your lawn and garden. Sweet!
This is great especially since we have been slowly working on our outdoor space.
Below are some great tips I copied from here. If you want to check them out, just click here.
To prevent accumulating dirt under your fingernails while you work
in the garden, draw your fingernails across a bar of soap and you’ll
effectively seal the undersides of your nails so dirt can’t collect
beneath them. Then, after you’ve finished in the garden, use a nailbrush
to remove the soap and your nails will be sparkling clean.
To prevent the line on your string trimmer from jamming or
breaking, treat with a spray vegetable oil before installing it in the
Little clay pots make great cloches for protecting young plants from sudden, overnight frosts and freezes.
To create perfectly natural markers, write the names of plants
(using a permanent marker) on the flat faces of stones of various sizes
and place them at or near the base of your plants.
Got aphids? You can control them with a strong blast of water from
the hose or with insecticidal soap. But here’s another suggestion, one
that’s a lot more fun; get some tape! Wrap a wide strip of tape around
your hand, sticky side out, and pat the leaves of plants infested with
aphids. Concentrate on the undersides of leaves, because that’s where
the little buggers like to hide.
The next time you boil or steam vegetables, don’t pour the water
down the drain, use it to water potted patio plants, and you’ll be
amazed at how the plants respond to the “vegetable soup.”
Use leftover tea and coffee grounds to acidify the soil of
acid-loving plants such as azaleas, rhododendrons, camellias, gardenias
and even blueberries. A light sprinkling of about one-quarter of an inch
applied once a month will keep the pH of the soil on the acidic side.
Use chamomile tea to control damping-off fungus, which often
attacks young seedlings quite suddenly. Just add a spot of tea to the
soil around the base of seedlings once a week or use it as a foliage
Some neat tips, right??
These will really come in handy as we continue our outdoor progress. :)
Do you like gardening and working outside?
Thanks for stopping by!