Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Our Tuesday Bible Studies

Hi everyone!!
How are you?
My family and I are doing pretty well and are loving the new change in weather where we live. :)
I just love fall and always have.
Well, anyways, I wanted to post today about a Bible study my husband and I are co-leading this year with another couple from our church. You see, for a while I knew my husband would make a great Bible study leader and now he finally gets the chance to lead with another fellow believer on Tuesdays. In the future, we would like to host our own Bible study at our house, but this year we decided to co-lead with another family at their house and so far it has worked out beautifully!
To go back a little bit, my husband and I have been a part of a small group for about 4 to 5 years now. (Before that, and before we even knew each other, I was a part of a college Bible study).
Anyhow, being in a small group with others has really been a big part of our life. Back in Florida, we had amazing experiences being a big part of 2 different small groups at the church we use to attend and once we decided to relocate to a different state, we knew that we needed to get plugged into one right away.
Scripture also tells us how important it is to be in community with others and to fellowship. In fact, a few verses we have been talking about in our small group recently has been Acts 2:42-47. Not only did Jesus stress it's importance, He also lived it out too!
It has been an encouragement to my husband and I and to our family finding a church and a small group where we can be open and honest with each other and pray for one another.
I just wanted to share that with you all today since we met yesterday evening and it has been on my heart.
I hope you all have a great Wednesday and find a group to plug in to as well. :)
Thanks for stopping by!

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