Happy Monday everyone!
I hope you had a nice relaxing weekend and are looking forward to Thanksgiving this week! We will be having friends over to our house for dinner and socializing and are really looking forward to it. It will be a sweet time of fellowship. :)
This week, I plan on getting a shelf made for my girls as a place to store their toys and read stories together. I am really excited about it because it's another building project I am completing and am stoked about how it will look as a final result.
Over the weekend, our family and I went to Home Depot again to purchase some supplies, including wood. And can I just say that it is much cheaper to build something on your own....PLUS, there is always the satisfaction of completing a project by yourself that you just can't beat!
So my hubby helped me with the measurements and the lifting of the wood and we took our supplies home.
I have some pictures to show you of what we ended up getting and how it will come together. I hope to be finished with this project in the next couple of days....well, semi-finished because I still need to make a seat cover for the bench but that might come a bit later in the next few weeks.
Okay, so this is before measuring, but hopefully you get the idea of what I am trying to build.
Each box/insert will be about a foot wide and 13" high. That will make the total height of the bench, from top to bottom, about 14" which is what I was going for when thinking about the design.
As you can see in the above photo, the boxes aren't even yet, but next came the measuring.
I just wanted to set the bench up a little bit before measuring.
I marked out with a pencil a rough line of where each board would sit and then went over that with a marker once I had the correct measurements I needed.
This ruler helped a little bit more because I wanted each set to be roughly a foot long/wide.
And I used our leveler to make sure each board would be even before pre-drilling the holes in the wood.
To give you an idea of what we had cut at Home Depot, here is the list:
1. We got 2 8 foot boards cut to a 6 foot length
2. We took another 8 foot board and had it cut into 7 thirteen inch long boards (these were what would go in between the long 6 foot boards for support).
3. Home Depot cut the boards for us for free and that saved a little bit. :)
The total for boards, nails, and paint (already had on hand) came to just under $35!!
That is not that bad for a nice bench for my daughters considering the fact that a lot of pre-made shelves cost over $45 to $50.
And it's always fun to make things!!!
Please stay tuned for more about the bench in the next few days!!

As always, thanks for stopping by!
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