Good morning!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. :)
As for my family and I, we spent about a week with my sister in town which was really special. She was visiting us from Florida and our daugther had a blast with her. It was sad seeing our little one wake up in the morning and head to the guest room to see if her Auntie was there just to find that she had already left for the airport. But once we got to opening presents, she was excited again and couldn't wait to play with the things she received.
It was a nice Christmas overall and I hope yours was too!

My daughter and I went for a little after Christmas shopping today at Target and Kohls and found 4 rolls of Christmas wrapping paper on sale for $3.00 and we also purchased a Christmas stocking for our new little one coming soon, Lydia. I didn't go crazy buying things since we don't really need much, but it was temtping I must say. It can be hard to pass up deals at 50% to 70% off.
Thankfully shopping with a little one makes that a little easier because I know I can't spend hours at a place "just to look around." It helps keep things in perspective.

We plan on heading to the thrift store later today to find some boots for our girl. I bought a nice brown pair a week and a half ago for $3.00!!!! After that, I really can't find myself spending more than $5.00 on kids shoes, especially since she grows out of them so quickly. And she loves her $3.00 thrift store boots too!! She loves stomping around the house in them and walking around places with them on. I think my little girl has a secret love for shoes that might grow more and more as she gets older. ;)
How about you?
Did you find yourself doing any after Christmas shopping or did you stay in and lay low?
Thanks for stopping by!
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